Certifications Aviation Safety Management Systems aviationsms.pro

Through its certification consultant program, the FAA recognizes that A-SMS is qualified to provide services to prepare a prospective air carrier applicant for the Formal Application Meeting. The part 121-certification process is complex, and the success of the process depends on the quality of the applicant’s submissions prior to the Formal Application Meeting.

Members of the A-SMS team previously were managers and program developers in the FAA’s initial certification process. They are well qualified to help your organization design and document your safety critical processes for FAA approval or acceptance, plan evacuation demonstrations, develop passenger briefing cards, plan and implement proving test plans, and develop of Letters of Compliance.

We use that same knowledge and experience to assist your organization with an efficient transition during mergers by using the FAA’s Handbook guidance on Mergers and Acquisitions (FAA Order 8900.1, Volume 3, Chapter 34, Section 1).